Corporate Governance
The Directors of Kitwave Group plc (the “Company” or the “Group”) acknowledge the importance of high standards of corporate governance. The Directors intend to adhere to the QCA Corporate Governance Code which sets out a standard of minimum best practice for small and mid-sized quoted companies, particularly AIM companies. The Directors acknowledge the importance of the principles set out in the QCA Corporate Governance Code.
The Board comprises five Directors, two Executive Directors and three Non-Executive Directors (including the Chairman), reflecting a blend of different experience and backgrounds. All the Non Executive Directors are considered independent.
The Board intends to meet regularly to review, formulate and approve the Company’s strategy, budgets, corporate actions and oversee the Company’s progress towards its goals. Briefing papers will be distributed to all Directors in advance of Board meetings. All Directors will have access to the advice and services of the Chief Financial Officer, who will be responsible for ensuring that the Board procedures are followed and that applicable rules and regulations are complied with. In addition, procedures will be in place to enable the Directors to obtain independent professional advice in the furtherance of their duties, if necessary, at the Group’s expense.
The Group has established an Audit Committee, a Remuneration Committee and a Nomination Committee with formally delegated duties and responsibilities and with written terms of reference. From time to time, separate committees may be set up by the Board to consider specific issues when the need arises.
Board and committee independence
Notwithstanding that the UK Corporate Governance Code does not apply to the Company, the Company intends to comply with its recommendation for a “smaller company” (defined in the UK Corporate Governance Code as being a company that is outside the FTSE 350, as the Company will be), that it should have at least two independent non-executive directors. The Board consists of three independent non-executive Directors (including the Chairman) and two executive Directors. The Company regards the non-executive directors as “independent non-executive Directors” within the meaning of the UK Corporate Governance Code and free from any relationship that could materially interfere with the exercise of their
independent judgement.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is chaired by Gerard Murray, and has primary responsibility for monitoring the quality of internal controls, ensuring that the financial performance of the Group is properly measured and reported on and reviewing reports from the Group’s auditors relating to the Group’s accounting and internal controls, in all cases having due regard to the interests of Shareholders. The Audit Committee will meet at least three times a year. Steve Smith and Teresa Octavio are the other members of the Audit Committee.
Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee is chaired by Gerard Murray, and will review the performance of the executive directors and determine their terms and conditions of service, including their remuneration and the grant of options, having due regard to the interests of Shareholders. The Remuneration Committee will meet at least three times a year. Steve Smith and Teresa Octavio are the other members of the Audit Committee.
Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee is chaired by Steve Smith, and will identify and nominate, for the approval of the Board, candidates to fill Board vacancies as and when they arise. The Nomination Committee will meet at least twice a year. Gerard Murray and Teresa Octavio are the other members of the Nomination Committee.
Share Dealing Code
The Company has adopted, a share dealing code for the Board and applicable employees and their persons closely associated (within the meaning given in the AIM Rules for Companies) of the Company for the purpose of ensuring compliance by such persons with the provisions of the Market Abuse Regulation relating to dealings in the Company’s securities. The Directors consider that this share dealing code is appropriate for a company whose shares are admitted to trading on AIM and the Company will take all reasonable steps to ensure compliance by the Board and any relevant employees.
Full details of the Company’s approach to corporate governance are set out in the Admission Document.
QCA principles
The Group’s strategy is set by the Board, and progress against strategic objectives is tracked and discussed regularly.
The Directors believe that the Group’s operational model and growth strategy helps to promote long-term value for shareholders. This strategy is updated from time to time and is set out each year within the Strategic report of the Annual Report and Accounts of the Group.
The Directors will continue to identify the key risks relating to this strategy and take appropriate mitigating measures and actions where not already addressed in the plan.
The Group’s purpose, strategy and business model are communicated internally to the operational management team with operational key performance indicators (KPIs) assigned as appropriate and in line with the strategy of the Group.
See the Strategic report from pages 15 to 40 in the Annual Report 2024.
The Board is committed to reinforcing the corporate culture and values of the Group.
The Group seeks to embody and promote a corporate culture that is based on sound ethical values and behaviours which can be used as an asset and a source of competitive advantage by way of, inter alia:
- The Group’s culture in general, e.g.:
– Management and Executive Director open door policy;
– Whistleblowing policy; and
– Anti-bribery and corruption policy.
- The Group’s approach to trading, e.g:
– Missing trader policy; and
– Know your customer checks (including VAT compliance).
- The Group’s corporate responsibility culture, e.g:
– Health and safety policies (covering colleagues and selected stakeholders);
– Tax policies.
The culture is set by the Board and is regularly considered and discussed at Board meetings with any inappropriate behaviour addressed. In such circumstances where wider communication of expected behaviours and culture is required this is determined by the Board and communicated via the senior operational management within the Group.
The Executive Directors are keen to engage with shareholders and intend to maintain regular communication with them. Individual meetings are offered to institutional shareholders following publication of the Group’s interim and annual results. The Executive Directors also present annually via a group presentation to private shareholders. Private shareholders are encouraged to email questions using the designated email address for investor relations at
The Group’s website has a dedicated investor relations website page. All operational websites for the Group’s trading entities include a link to the Group website to ensure that appropriate information is communicated to shareholders.
The Chairman is available to shareholders as an alternative channel of communication and to discuss any matters that shareholders wish to raise. In his absence, one of the Non-Executive Directors would make themselves available to shareholders.
The Group takes its corporate social responsibility very seriously and is focused on maintaining and strengthening effective working relationships across a wide range of stakeholders including shareholders, colleagues, suppliers and customers. Decision-making takes into account how different stakeholders may be affected.
The Board identifies the Group’s stakeholders and seeks to understand their needs, interests and expectations, by the following means:
- Regular supplier communications, both at Group and entity level;
- Regular customer communications, both at Group and entity level;
- Undertaking joint business planning exercises with suppliers and customers;
- Local management awareness of colleagues’ needs and expectations, with feedback to and from line managers; and
- Liaison with regulators and other concerned parties.
The success of the Group’s strategy is in part built upon the maintenance of internal and external relationships and the communication of the benefits of what the wider Group can bring to a particular stakeholder.
The Board is responsible for maintaining and reviewing the effectiveness of the Group’s risk management activities, intended to monitor and mitigate, rather than eliminate, the significant risks that the Group is exposed to. The Group has implemented policies and procedures to address risk including with respect to wholesaling, warehouse and fleet operations, customer credit and compliance.
The Audit Committee and the Executive Management have developed an Enterprise Risk Management framework to identify, assess and manage risk within the business. The introduction of an ERM framework seeks to ensure that a consistent and proportionate approach is used to identify, evaluate, manage, and monitor risks across all the Group’s operating companies.
The principal risks identified for the business are evaluated each year. The Board makes time available in each of its scheduled meetings to review the current assessment of one of the principal risks.
The Board has a mix of skills and experience and comprises:
- Two Executive Directors
- Three Non-Executive Directors, including the Non-Executive Chairman
The Board is supported by a management board that has responsibility for day-to-day oversight of the Group’s activities.
The Chairman will hold overall responsibility for maintaining a good corporate governance regime.
The Board and the Nomination Committee will seek to ensure that it has a suitable balance between independence (of both character and judgement) on the one hand, and knowledge of the Group on the other to enable it to discharge its duties and responsibilities effectively.
Director attendance at the relevant Board and Committee meetings is summarised on page 46 within the Corporate Governance report in the Annual Report 2024.
The following table shows the Directors attendance at scheduled Board and Committee meetings during the reporting period.
Board | Audit | Remuneration | Nomination | |||
Steve Smith | 15/15 | 5/5 | 2/2 | 1/1 | ||
Gerard Murray | 15/15 | 5/5 | 2/2 | 1/1 | ||
Teresa Octavio | 15/15 | 5/5 | 2/2 | 1/1 | ||
Ben Maxted | 15/15 | 4/4 | – | |||
David Brind | 15/15 | 5/5 | – | |||
(Board or Committee attended / Board or Committee meetings held) |
The Directors of the Group and their biographies are set out on pages 43 to 44 in the Annual Report 2024. The Directors believe that collectively, the Board has the appropriate balance of skills and experience to deliver on the strategy of the Group.
The Board is not dominated by one individual and all Directors have the ability to challenge proposals and plans for the Group. The Directors have received briefings and training in respect of the compliance with the AIM Rules and the Market Abuse Regulations. The Directors also continue to receive ongoing briefings and training to improve their knowledge and understanding of key risk areas.
8. Evaluate Board performance based on clear and relevant objectives, seeking continuous improvement
The internal annual Board evaluation process examines Board performance across 12 areas, including setting and communicating strategy, managing risk, meeting shareholder and other stakeholder objectives and Board diversity.
The conclusion of the review this year was Directors considered the Board to be operating satisfactorily in most areas and it was agreed that the following actions were to be taken:
- A change in approach to the annual strategy review to incorporate input from the senior operational management team.
- Chair to conduct annual individual feedback session with each Director.
- Consideration to be given to an external review of Board performance in FY25.
The Board is committed to establishing an effective remuneration policy which is aligned with the Company’s purpose, strategy and culture to help attract, retain and motivate high-performing senior executives, whilst promoting the long-term growth of shareholder value.
The Remuneration Committee meets regularly and consults with other Board committees to set appropriate incentive targets and to appraise performance.
The Board will be responsible for directing the affairs of the Group in a manner that meets both shareholder and regulatory requirements, and is consistent with current corporate governance standards.
The Board regularly informs and engages with shareholders across several platforms: 1. Publication of its Annual Report and Accounts as well as its half year report; 2. Individual meetings with institutional shareholders following publication of results; 3. A Group meeting with private shareholders following the publication of results via the Investor Meet Company platform;
- The Company’s AGM as an opportunity to engage directly with all shareholders; 5. The Group’s website has a dedicated investor relations website page;
- The engagement of a Group financial PR consultancy, in conjunction with the Nominated Adviser;
- The Chairman and Non-Executive Directors being available to shareholders as an alternative channel of communication to discuss any matters that shareholders wish to raise.reference for these committees have been set but will be kept under review by the Board.